Saturday Service

We are expanding our Music Therapy Service to families and children who do not have access to Music Therapy in school.

The service will run at a range of Ealing venues during term time and will offer 10 sessions per term. Our qualified HCPC registered Music Therapists will provide individual and group therapy depending on your child’s needs.

Find out more about Ealing Music Therapy and our new Saturday Service by registering your interest below. We will can contact you with more information shortly.

Music Therapy Saturday Service interest list

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I’d like to be contacted about Saturday Service*

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* by providing your details you are giving permission for Ealing Music Therapy to store your data. This will be used to update you on the Saturday Music Therapy Service. This data will not be shared with any third party and remain confidential with Ealing Music Therapy.

Please feel free to contact us on if you need any information from us in the meantime.

Get In Touch

If you would like to find out more about music therapy we'd love to hear from you.
Please complete the form below or give us a call.